The Grace of Staying Still in Healing

Which Way Do I Go?

We live in a very busy world. I feel I am often outside of myself catching up to where I think I should be. There just seems to be so many expectations, not only from others but those I place on myself! No wonder so many people feel stressed and under pressure! What exactly are we racing to?

We are busy, busy, busy, even periods of quiet contemplation become sources of the noise in our heads instead of the peaceful refuge they are suppose to be. I am embarrassed to admit it, but there are days when I shop during the consecration, or I am planning the events of the day in my head while the biggest miracle of the world is taking place. Most times I do not even notice I am doing it until it is over, and then I am filled with the sorrow of distraction, but also the joy of knowing I will soon receive the One who saves me from myself.

The noise of the world sometimes never seems to go away. Some days, I need to make a concerted effort to pull myself back to where I am suppose to be, in the presence of Jesus Christ.

I think we often do that in healing as well. I want to be here! Why aren’t I there yet? We can be everywhere we think we should be except for the place we really are!  We are sure we know the best location for ourselves, we grow impatient with our healing, and even bargain with God filling our prayers with “If only’s…”

The rush of the world, instead of the peace of Jesus Christ.  But, race as we might, we will not find our healing here or there. Contrary to what the world tells us, we will not get to “be” by running around and doing all it seems to call us to do. No, healing is in the present. It is also in the presence! It is the grace of staying still and listening to His word and His will for us. It is stopping the motion so that He can reach out to touch us and give us His grace. It is in the trusting in His love for us. Healing is here and now, not down the road because this is where he calls us to be.

That of course, does not mean that we do not do what He asks us to do, to learn, to pray, to attend places that will help us, but there is a difference many times, in doing what He asks and what we want.

As the world continues to call us to the rushing of the day, may we each in our hearts obtain the grace to stay still in our healing there to find Jesus waiting for us at the finish line!

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