Lenten Meditations/Friday after Ash Wednesday

Todays Readings: Friday after Ash Wednesday



Lent is a time when we are called to look at our sinfulness through the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ.

There is a temptation when we look at our sinfulness to get stuck there. We keep the focus on ourselves and beat ourselves up because of our misery. We get stuck in the “I cannot believe I had an abortion” mode. This, however, is false pride…why should be so shocked that we can commit such a sin? Once we turn from the will of God any sin is possible.

During Lent, we are asked to move beyond that self focus, to focus on the passion of Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for our sins, even our sin of abortion. It is a time to meditate on His great love for us. As we come to know this love, we do not sacrifice during lent only because we are told to, but instead, because we cannot help loving Him and wanting to return a sacrifice out of that love. Lent calls us into a time of penance, prayer & fasting. An opportunity to  do good to others through prayer and almsgiving. To be other centered instead of self centered.

Today, take a few minutes to sit before a cross and repeat “Jesus died on the cross for my sins, even my sin of abortion”. It is an amazing truth of God’s love for you!


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