Nightline – Impact X

This past week both Good Counsel Homes and Lumina were featured in a new documentary by ABC’s Nightline titled “Impact X

The first episode which aired October 6th and is currently streaming on HULU, deals with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

It highlights women who felt abortion was the right choice and those who don’t as well as a college girl who chose life, and a couple who aborted because of a diagnosis. My heart particularly went out to them know what they must have experienced from working with other couples who aborted for this reason. I think they really did try not to favor one aspect, but it definitely still had a slant towards abortion. Mostly I recognized how much people still do not know!

I was actually interviewed by Rachel Scott, the correspondent, for two hours. I spoke of the harm to women and my experiences of healing from my own coerced abortion. The denial of society in regards to what we experience, the anxiety, and depression leaving many feeling crazy and alone.  For some there is the inability to have other children. I also spoke of abortions impact on men and siblings, and some of the women I have spoken to over the past decades

I shared about feeling caught in the middle of the debate with the pro abortion people denying our experiences and some pro lifers calling us murderers.

I could go on and on.

This is what made the cut.

In the clip it says that I have reached “dozens” of women who needed help. In truth it is thousands over the years and in fact, I received four new calls in 24 hours, just from the airing of this promotional piece.

Still, being ABC and Nightline, it is somewhat of a miracle that they acknowledged abortions harm at all even if they did not air me in the documentary itself. I am grateful for the opportunity and pray our voices become louder and reach the millions we know are out there suffering in silence from a past abortion.

Here is a little more of a peek of the show:

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